My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 13 May 2012

And so to work

If you were thinking that because the election was over that Southampton Labour were sitting back, then you'd be very much mistaken. Team Bargate were recently bragging that they had started campaigning on the Sunday after the election. However, Team Peartree had gone one better and had begun the long campaign for the 2014 election last Saturday. With meetings in between, they hadn't even taken a day off! I must admit that Team Millbrook aren't sitting back on their laurels - with Dave making thank you trips, and Georgie attending residents meetings and sending out numerous thank you cards.

My own week has not stopped yet; on Tuesday night, I was able to stand down as Secretary of the Labour Group and hand over to Freemantle's newest councillor, Dave Shields. By handing over this crucial task, I will be able to concentrate more time on the community and any important other tasks which may come my way. The remainder of Tuesday's meeting was spent with Councillors looking to form policy teams with Cabinet members, creating resilience, diverse and emerging experience and crucially an eye on the future.

In the meanwhile, still cracking on with casework - this week challenging issues on bin collection, the adding of another shade to some public lighting in St Edmunds Road and the Biomass issue. There will be another "consultation" carried out by Helius, but suffice to say, as quoted by The Echo, I am still unconvinced as to the benefits for the people of Millbrook, Freemantle and western Southampton. The fancy documents may change, but the same questions still remain. I look forward to challenging this issue in a Labour Administration.

A host of meetings have taken place throughout the week, with cabinet members, ececutive directors and a range of employees - not least have been my employers and the supportive way they have dealt with my political change in circumstance. Yesterday I also attended a meeting at the Leaders house for a few hours. I think getting the work/home/political life balance is going to be harder than ever. Hopefully clearly demonstrating how much I care about my community.

So today I am going to spend some time with the family before another set of meetings tomorrow night, where we look at who will be working on what committees, and debate the first council agenda where we will be in charge. Ten days after the election and we still can't make any choices on behalf of the city!!! Anyway, today I choose chores, sunshine and family.

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