My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Good morning readers. I can honestly say that it has taken this long for the reality of the situation to sink in. Today in all reality is the first day of a Labour Administration. What a resounding victory for the people of Southampton.

Across the city the Labour Party was once again trusted with delivering hope and change for the future. In places which we were told we would never win representation - we won. In areas such as Peartree, we now have three Councillors - in less than a year. Our communities have selected three Labour Councilllors to be their champions in Redbridge, Coxford, Bargate, Bevois, Bitterne, Woolston and also Millbrook.

The personal digs suffered by myself, Dave and especially Georgie over the past few months can now be forgotten and the hard work begins. The good people of Millbrook have shown faith in the Labour party for a third time in as many years. We are never going to have majorities of hundreds in our community. Ours is a social diverse ward, but one which must have Labour representation to develop and improve. I maintain my assertion that Millbrook is the frontline of politics in Southampton and the best ward in the city!

You now have a Labour Team of four in Millbrook; myself, Georgie , Dave and Alan - I would hope that between us we have the experience and understanding of a range of issues from benefit and taxation issues, to immigration and policing through to educational maintenance allowance and even the social media!

As we move to form an administration, I am proud to say that I have been asked by Richard Williams, our leader, to be a portfolio holder. This means that I would be a part of the Cabinet for Southampton City Council. With the support of my employers, fellow Millbrook Councillors and my family, I will be the new Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport. This is a huge task given the state of our roads, pavements, buildings and even on a local level the building of a powerstation at the bottom of our ward. I pledge to work tirelessly and with all aspects of the city to get a better deal for Southampton and a better deal for Millbrook. For all those people who sit at home and moan that it doesnt matter what they think - because politicians are all the same - I was shouting at my TV during the general election in 2010; voted in as a Councillor in 2011; and now a Cabinet member in 2012. We all have the power, it is whther we choose to use it.

One issue that I do still have with the Conservatives, is that technically until our first full Council meeting next Wednesday, technically they are still in control of the Council. This includes their plans to carry on with selling off the City's CCTV unit to a private company. This is something that we do not want to happen. However, even though the Tories have been roundly beaten, they are still in control until next Wednesday. Legally they may be able to do this, but morally this is abhorent. The reverse has applied to the Mayor (beaten by Team Shirley), who was asked to step down immediately after he lost his seat - rather than finish off the last twelve days of his civic year. So which is it? You go on to the next civic year or you lose an election immediately? My guess is those staff currently employed by CCTV would rather we were in charge now!

The reason for my blog being decidely late this week was not through hangover (I wish), but because I wanted to spend a few days with my family. Over the last eight weeks I have worked tirelessly with Team Millbrook to elect another Labour Councillor. I had put my party and my community first every time. Over the past four days I reminded myself why I entered into politics in the first place - not for victorys or for power - but to make the world a better place for my wife and our seven month old daughter. My family has supported me throughout my work in representing Millbrook - and they have done so without question - all those mealtimes missed, bath times forgotten and bedtime stories unread. We're not all career politicians. We do really care, otherwise we wouldnt make the sacrifices that we do.

So, the work begins today. The election is forgotten. We move to put in place our manifesto. Thank you to people across the city and thank you to the people of Millbrook. I hope that we can deliver real change. I hope that we can live up to your expectations.

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