My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Ninety Four and a half days to go!

It might seem like a long way away, but there are now only 14 weeks to go until you the people of Southampton decide how you want your council run, and your services provided.

This week was slightly calmer than last week, but at least that meant I was able to spend some time with the family and not push my luck to much with the wife!

Monday evening was spent at home whilst Councillor Furnell attended Millbrook Community Association. The feedback from Dave was that some really good work had been taking place with a charity in the area to make real improvements to the area. My comment was that it was good to see some work being directed towards our part of the city for a change. We seem to get a new road or as, only for the utility companies to dig them up a few weeks later. Nothing about that in the new Conservative Manifesto!

Tuesday saw the launch of their new ideas document. As best I can work out it means free wifi in the city centre. To be honest I was expecting a dynamic hard hitting and thought provoking document from them. However, as one leading Tory Councillor said to me yesterday - there wouldnt be anything terribly new because they were doing such a good job!

The vast majority of the policies within their document are not new. They are either continuations of what they are doing presently or in one or two cases what they should be doing anyway. My overall feeling in reading their document is that it is exceptionally lightweight. When compared to the inclusive process we undertook through our policy forum to develop a quality product; I must admit I was expecting better from them.
Their document is markedly different from our own as it is nowhere near the considered and comprehensive roadmap which we hope to hand to officers on the first day of our administration (IF the good people of Southampton elect us to run their city).

Tuesday night saw a meeting of the Test branch of the Labour Party. It was a good meeting where we elected our officials for another term, and I am glad to say that I managed not to put myself forward this term. However as we are likely to revisit our appointments in October of this year, I will most probably have my arm twisted. Suffice to say the new secretary of the Test Party is doing a fantastic job!

Wednesday afternoon was taken up with a meeting between Team Millbrook and the strategy team from Southampton Street. We discussed the work and approach we had undertaken since the election last year; the campaigns we have undertaken and the content of our leaflets. The outcome was really positive and it is great to feel so supported by friends and colleagues. Millbrook will continue to be at the forefront of any campaign in our city. But if you've been following my twitter feed (@asaspacey), you may have noticed that this weekend we were out in ALL wards within Southampton Test. Indeed, Councillor Dave is out this morning leafletting on your behalf!

Thursday night was taken up by a meeting at Southampton Voluntary Services, with a briefing on the Care Quality Commission. One of the Lead Inspectors for the Wessex region gave us a run down of the changes which the regulator had undergone over the past few months. This was the organisation which looks at the quality of care being provided across all healthcare providers now - from care and nursing homes to hospitals and even dentists! They had gone through some serious changes, moving from paper based inspections (rediculous) to having people on the ground observing in unannounced inspections. This is in response to the appalling failure of care at Winterbourne View private care home, first raised on Panorama.

 Some comments from the meeting:
  • CQC checks the providers of care, but who checks the commissioners of that care? The people paying could consistantly underpay for services with their clients receiving poor care a s a result. The CQC cannot challenge commissioners of care;
  • Robert Francis, a leading clinical negligence QC, will be publishing a report later this year into what changes regulators should make to insure the failure of care akin to Winterbourne View does not happen again;
  • The CQC is limited by its role in law. For example, with personal care allowances people can pay for personal assistants to help them. They cannot be checked by the CQC;
  • The most worrying is that the CQC can shut down a care business, only for another business, basically run by the same people to spring up with a new business with a different name;
  • Lastly, I have stayed away from commenting on Lansleys new Health Bill. But suffice to say in his brave new world, at a local level you will have Healthwatch, LINK, a health and wellbeing board and the councils health overview and scrutiny panel - all of which will have a statutory duty to ensure appropriate care for the people of Southampton. Who brings who to task? Wo reports to who? Who carrys out the neccessary changes. At best this is messy.
And so yesterday, myself, Dave and Georgie were out and about in Millbrook, door knocking. I must admit we were surprised to see two Conservatives out also (it has been almost a year since we saw them in Millbrook last, but i guess it is a big ward). No sight of the current Conservative Councillor, but I understand he is standing down.

Georgie & Dave looking happy after delivering a LOT of leaflets!

And so another week done, another week closer to go. I won't keep you too mucnh longer as I should really go and make a cuppa for the wife. Just remember, we've only got Ninety Four and a half days to go!

Sunday 22 January 2012


Morning readers!

Its early, its sunday and therefore it means another run up of the weeks events from your elected representative for Millbrook. Last Sunday morning over 35 members of the local party came down to Millbrook to canvass people on the doorsteps. We regularly do this every weekend as you will know from my blog, but it was a humbling show of support to have councillors, candidates, members, the shadow cabinet, regional officers and the Chairman of the local party out campaigning for you in our community.

A quick shot of those colleagues in my team last Sunday - From left to right: Councillor Don Thomas (Coxford), Matt Tucker (Bargate Candidate), Eileen Wharum (Southampton Women Against Cuts), Councillor Darren Paffey (Peartree), Councillor Satvir Kaur (Shirley), Me, Councillor Keith Morrell (Coxford). Not pictured - because he was taking the photo, was Mark Challenor (Shirley Candidate).

On Sunday afternoon we spent discussing our manifesto amongst Councillors and candidates, before taking it to our wider membership. As you can appreciate, we are doing everything we can to win the election, but we also have to put considerable work into what we have to do if we are fortunate enough to be in control of the Council on 4th May. The transitional work needed to be undertaken is HUGE!

On Monday night, we continued our debates from Sunday. As well as trying to take a full part in the discussions, it is my job to make sure that the agenda, minutes and reports are all in order. But it is important that somone take the responsibility of Group Secretary.

On Tuesday night I met up with a major organisation based in the ward. The 3 hour discussion was both illuminating and saddening that we as a council have not done more with this group. I will be meeting with the Leader of our local party to discuss how we can make better use of these people in the coming years. Apologies for not setting out exactly who they are, but I am aware that it is not just supporters who read my blog - and I wouldnt want the other side to steal ideas at the moment.

On Wednesday night, I spent some time with my family.

On Thursday evening I attended the Health Scrutiny Panel. I had the pleasure of working with Councillor Pope, as my regular partner Councillor Payne was with his other half in the Princess Anne Hospital. Happy to report that the Payne family has now increased in size by one, with mother and baby doing well.

Friday evening was spent doing the weekly shop. I tried to bump into the store manager, but he swerved away from my grasp at the last moment. I cant wait for our scheduled meet up in the next few days. A number of issues to talk to him about...

Yesterday morning, Team Millbrook were out and about delivering leaflets introducing our new candidate to you. There have been a lot of leaflets circulated by the other parties at the moment. Instead of saying what they will deliver, it seems that they are content to use the politics of fear to influence peoples voting intentions.

How about a couple of myth busting straight answers from a politician:

Will you raise Council Tax next year? The Government has stated that any council freezing tax levels will get a bonus payment to make up the difference. Any Council wanting to raise it substantially will have it reduced. As such, no party will raise the levels.

Are you going to close libraries or sure start centres? This is unforgivable that other parties are suggesting that we might be closing them. The way in which they are "suggesting" these cuts makes it difficult to challenge legally, but the message is clear. We have no plans to cut these vital public services.

Staff pay levels: In the week you may have read in the Echo about our Leaders comments. We are committed to reversing the current administrations staff pay cuts. This will start with the lowest paid and is a very real alternative.  

This morning Team Millbrook will be out door knocking again. We are committed to making a difference in our community and will continue to fight against the failures and distorted truths of the other parties. Expect to see us on your doorstep very soon or on a hand delivered leaflet. There is an alternative.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Short & Sweet

Good morning,

Just a quick update from me this week as I have a number of tasks to carry out this morning before I hit the door knocking trail at 11.00 hours. This week I have mostly been:
  • Published in the Southampton Directory (page12) - writing on the importance of proactive councillors and constiuents willing to talk to their elected servants;
  • Speaking to the Street Cleaning teams (on three occaisions) to let them know issues at Sterminster House, Testwood Road, Marchwwod Road and Foundry Lane. And then to chase them up;
  • Keep updated with the latest problems surrounding the consultation on Vascular arrangements in Southampon;
  • Starting to read the 170 page document which is the draft city centre masterplan - the problem being that a subtle nuiance may have been left out of the summary paper and so you have to read the whole lot!
  • As the Group Secretary, making sure that arrangments have been made and that paperwork has been circulated for a weekend of activity for Team Millbrook. Yes that includes me writing up another set of minutes;
  • Creation of a small set of leaflets to be hand delivered in a certain part of our ward, highlighting the current administrations attitude to an important right;
  • Casework galore!
  • Monday night I was at a meeting with a local employment agency discussing the opportunities for returning the long term unemployed back into the workplace. A major challenge, but one which must be tackled to give our local economy a chance of competing regionally or nationally;
  • On Wednesday evening, I joined a Gym. Lots of points from the wife for doing as she asked! And yes, I am supporting a local business in ward. No David lloyd for me!
  • Thursday night was a local policing briefing for Councillors. A bit of a busmans holiday for me, but it was important to be present so that I could be a bridge between officers and councillors, even though I was there in my capacity as your representative. Amongst the issues I raised, included some Wimpsome lane specifics: the selling of cars from residents carparks and ASB linked to the night time economy in the area.
I think at this point its important to remember that it is still only January. The workload will increase once people have recovered from the Christmas period.

Like my daughter, this weeks message is short and sweet.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Good morning!

No I havent left the country or stopped writing my blog - or had it shut down (although one complainant has tried!). If you've been following my twitter updates, you'll know that my internet went down over the festive period. This was quite bad as it mean that I couldnt access the web, print out any documents or update my blog. Suffice to say that the internet has now been fixed, but my landline seems to be playing up. Thanks Sky, thanks Rupert.

My daughter loved her first Christmas and so did my family. We were all thoroughly spoilt, even if there were quite a few grumbles that no one could get on the internet! I hope that you had a good break and got all you wished for. Although I couldnt access the web as much as i wanted, you'll be pleased to know that I was still in touch with the outside world through my phone.

Over the past two weeks I have been dealing with casework - much to the annoyance of my family - I feel that it must be important for a constituent to be calling their elected representative over the festive period, so the least I can do is answer my phone. Issues have included litter from local businesses; rubbish being dumped; Housing matters and also confirming that the disabled parking lines I asked to be repainted had been done so outside Penrith Court - I await to see if they'll get the extra bin I asked officers for!

As I look in my diary for the week ahead, you'll be pleased to see that I am back in to the full swing of campaigning on your behalf. This morning I have a catch up session with Councillor Dave Furnell, before going out to deliver some leaflets with our Millbrook Candidate Georgie Laming. It'll be cold and wet, but worth it to hand deliver our messages to you. nothing like the personal touch! Next week I think I have 4 evening meetings, a full working and a number of meetings to organise and minutes to write up as Labour Group Secretary.

Whilst watching the twitter updates over the past few days, I have seen a number of articles such as "best year ever for schools!". I like to think that a huge number of our public services in our City are achieving truly great results, whether in schools or in care or painting lines on the road. But this is INSPITE of the current local leadership not because of it. Without instilling a sense of panic, it is my duty to remind people of what has been under a current administration, and offer them an alternative. Our manifesto will be published over the coming weeks; it offers a well thought out, costed and different path for the city to take. Also I wrote the first chapter - with collaboration from shadow cabinet members, fellow councillors, members and outside experts. Only 115 days to go to stop all public services in Southampton from being privatised.

I think the best message sent locally was "May 2012 be all you wish for". I must admit that I am looking for ward to May 2012. Happy New Year!