My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Calm before the storm

This week i have a confession to make. I have only attended one evening meeting this week. Don't worry, I haven't become a lazy Councillor (insert joke about Conservatives here) in the space of a week. It just happened that it was a good opportunity to spend some time with my family; its been very hectic since the start of the year and so its been nice to spend some uninterrupted quality time with my wife and new baby daughter.

What I have learned is that my wife watches far too much "America's Next Top Model". Its a reality TV show and my brain turns to mush everytime I am subjected to watching it. Yes, since my workload at the Council has increased, I have also lost control of the TV remote control.

However, on Monday evening I spent sitting in the cafe at Tesco's Millbrook conducting an open surgery. It was really good to have so many conversations in such a short space of time. I lost count of the number of comments by visitors to the store that it was good to see a politician (?!) in a place which was convinient to the public. Also, quick update on tesco's expansion - it won't be happening for at least six months...

Casework is still coming into my mailbox and I'm still chasing for successes - for example I got the disabled bays repainted at Penrith Court, but am still chasing for an extra communal bin!

After today, we're taking our campaigning up to pre-election levels. It is not enough to have private companies deliver your leaflets. Expect to see Team Millbrook on your doorstep in the very near future.

Sunday 19 February 2012

A flavour of things to come?

I have triumphed! Its only taken me an hour and a half, but I have beaten my computer. It seems to have some nasty something or other and so I had to go through the whole installing, cleaning etc. Technology eh?

As you'll know from last weeks blog, we held the Labour Party South East Conference here in Southampton. I did forget to mention that Southampton Labour Party won an award for the best campaigning team in the South East. Across the membership of our local party, across each and every ward, yes including our strongholds of Bitterne Park and Bassett, we are getting out there door knocking and leafletting at every opportunity. This is our city and we want it back! COYR!

The big show for the week was Wednesdays Full Council meeting. After a weekend of politics, Monday night was spent at our Group meeting, preparing for the Council. There are a lot of meetings and prepapration to undertake at the moment, and I think that this will only get worse. But being able to make Valentines evening this year was a big bonus (last year I was at a meeting) and my wife enjoyed her flowers and a home cooked meal by her husband.

So Wednesday was full council. The morning was spent preparing and re-reading the massive agenda, but not before taking my baby daughter to the doctors for her third round of immunisations. It was really nice to be able to go along with my wife and play the part of anxious father.

After that I dropped them both at my In-laws house so that they could take a spring walk back to our house, except they didnt have our dog. So I had to rush to get the dog, but then was held up by roadworks which had come out of nowhere (although let me guess that there was a tiny announcement in the Echo). So then back to the In-laws. And then off to council to check up on emails. At which point I sat down and had 5 missed calls from my wife. I had forgotten to drop of the wheels for the pram! So back home to get the wheels having to go through a separate diversion to get into the house to get the keys to open up the other car to get the wheels to drive to the In-laws to then drive back to the Civic Centre. Arghhhhh!

And then at 2pm it was Full Council, at which the budget is set. For months the Tories in Southampton have said that we have no ideas, no plans and just want to tax and spend. Wednesday was a real opportunity for politics to be put to one side and for parties to make the best for our city. We had a taster of the innovations we want to bring to our city. A bit more thought out than lets have free wifi in the city centre...

The following were things which we proposed to save, but the ruling Conservatives:

£100,000 towards Education Maintenance Allowance - REJECTED

£75,000 towards an Apprenticeship Scheme - REJECTED

£70,000 to save Mount Pleasant Language School for at least one year - REJECTED

£100,000 additional funding for SureStarts across our city for at least one year - REJECTED

£100,000 additional funding for Libraries across our city for at least one year - REJECTED

£200,000 to introduce a new Jobs Model for the Council so that we don't pay public money to stop people working for our city - REJECTED

Stop increases to Daycare and Extra care schemes - REJECTED

Stop £50,000 "cost saving" in our pest control service - REJECTED

Stop a £387,000 cut to the Parks and Street Cleaning budget  - REJECTED (Maybe the big spring clean they talk about will over these cuts? but at only £100k, it seems a bit of robbing Peter to pay Paul, except where you take a big cut and don't tell either of them!)

Instead of innovation, instead of fresh ideas, instead of change for the better, a number of services were worse off, at least 49 families faced P45's to discuss the following evening. And ultimately our plans would have meant less money spent than the other proposals put forward. For those sceptics amongst you, our plan was passed by the Chief Finance Officer as viable.

We were surprised that an adjournement wasnt called for after our proposals were put forward. I do think that one senior member of the Conservative administration twigged that our plans could be achieved and made real financial sense. However, maybe politics got in the way of a good idea by the way he was dragged back into the chamber by a more senior Tory frontbencher.

On a lighter note, whilst out with Team Millbrook yesterday in Maybush, we ran into the Tory Candidate (no sign of their current Councillor). But don't worry, he was'nt lost as I suggested to him. But out by himself posting direct mailshots. I guess Councillor Furnells letter into the Echo suggesting the Tories never cross Tebourba Way is paying off!

I'm not claiming that we have a monopoly on good ideas, but what I am trying to do is give a flavour of being outward looking; we have new ways of working; and we have a drive and enthusiasm to change our city for the better.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Come and talk to me! @ Tescos Millbrook Monday 20th (6 until 8pm)

On Monday 20th February, I'll be at Tesco's Millbrook waiting to hear from you. Its my first attempt at a drop-in surgery, rather than my normal appointment system. I thought it would be a good idea to set up in a public place and see if anyone wanted to drop in. The store manager has been most helpful and permission has been sought and granted from Tesco's HQ.

If you are free on that evening and want to discuss anything, come down to the store and see me in the cafeteria. I'll be there from 6.00pm until 8.00pm.

If you're anything like my friends, you'll probably forget about this until you see my pop-up sign in the foyer on the night.

Hopefully see some of you on the night!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Guess who came to Conference

Its Sunday morning, and so it must be time to catch up on the weeks happenings with your local Millbrook Councillor. Its been a busy week and there is a lot to tell you about, so eyes down, look in...

On Tuesday afternoon, I had the pleasure of a tour of the work undertaken on Millbrook Towers. There are some really great ideas that have been transformed into reality by Aiden Cooper and his team. Its been hard work for them, but they have worked with the community to deliver some changes to the area. Although technically outside of my ward, it is important to understand and appreciate the work of officers so that you can transpose their good ideas into your own areas. The next time you drive past the Adidas sponsored Gym or Millbrook Towers with its mural, recognise that this is what can happen with enthusiastic officers and a community willing to engage.

Wednesday evening was spend on a housecall - I know it makes me sound like a doctor - but any suggestions as to another name for it would be welcome :) I have been working on and off with this family for some months, and it saddens me how a loving family group can end up with such a raw deal. Additionally, there is something very wrong in our society whereby it makes financial sense to remain on benefits rather than go out to work. It would take a special sort of person to work a full week to be no better off  than if you stayed at home with your young family. This is something which Governments over the years have grappled with, but maybe post May there will be something we can do in some small way.

Thursday our Deputy Leader gave me some time to discuss some of the issues of the day, which included the upcoming Police & Crime Commissioner elections and the difficulties of balancing a young family with the demands of being a Councillor.

Friday evening was spent at the DeVere Hotel at a drinks reception. I know, us socialists were slumming it. The occaision was the start of our Labour South East Conference. The highlight of the evening was our leader Ed Miliband coming along, posing for a myriad of photos and giving a rousing speech. It was the first time I'd met him in person, and he was charming and a little taller than I imagined. My favourite quote was that in order to return to Government, we needed to make a road through the South East, more than our current 4 members of parliament. And the road to greater numbers of members of parliament, was through taking control of more councils, with more councillors, activists and members. It sounds corny, but it gave me a real sense of worth. After an hour or so I rushed home to apologise to my wife for braking our rule about politics on a friday evening.

Saturday was the first day proper of the conference. On the evening beforehand I noticed that Burnley FC were staying over as they were playing Saints the next day. So early on Saturday morning I cheekily sent a tweet message to Alastair Campbell, asking if he would be making a flying visit as his team were playing ours and the hotel was just around the corner. After a few frantic hours, and the intervention of Regional Director Malcolm Powers, Alastair Campbell turned up at our conference! I couldnt believe it. Some in our party do not like him; some outside of Labour detest him. For me he is a political hero of mine - the best kind of hero; human with flaws.

The rest of the conference was peppered with talks from Stella Creasy on Crime Prevention and cuts; our own Labour Councillor and Sherriff Derek Burke; and Iain MacNicol our General Secretary. Iain's speech was very poignant; the part which really spoke to me was in his summing up which contained a thank you. "I wanted to end my speech by saying thank you. Not for the role you play, the campaigning you do or the difficult decisions you take. No, I want to say thank you for all those birthdays you miss; those times with friends; those Valentines evenings; time you could've rather spent with your family. Thank you". Its rather twee, but it was nice of him to say.

During the morning, I was out with about 15 colleagues in Shirley ward. The door knocking was positive as people were in, had received literature from us and would be voting for us. In the afternoon, about 20 delegates from the conference came to Millbrook to knock on doors. This included our local leader Richard Williams and I am pleased to say the Shadow Environment Minister Carolyn Flint. This is the second year that the Labour Party has seen its Shadow Environment Minister coming to Millbrook to knock doors and get stuck in.

Its been a busy few days, and afetr writing this blog, its time to do a poo pick in the garden and get on with the hoovering. Next weeks highlights will include our Group meeting on monday night and an exceptionally long Budget meeting at full Council on Wednesday. Time is ticking on this Conservative Council. We can only hope that all of the effort which we are putting in pays off. Effort which happens week in, week out, not just at times of elections. Hopefully this blog goes some way to demonstrating this to you.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Changes to the blog!

Just a quick note to let you know that I have added a few new photos to my picture section and a new part of the blog which sets out a few of the roles which I have been appointed to since my adventure in local politics began!

Check it out.

Working hard for you all year round

Is it me or does it seem earlier this week? Maybe it’s the cold weather or the dark starts to the morning still, but I seem to be yawning more than most weekends. So, are you sitting comfortably? Do you have your blanket, cup of coffee and rescue greyhound to hand? You do? Then we shall begin. Just promise not to make too much noise as the Wife and little one are still sound asleep upstairs.
Sometimes before writing my blog I think about things I want to put in it. This week I thought that I must include the Prime Ministers assertion that the percentage of Police Officers on the frontline has risen compared to last year. My response being well of course the percentage will rise if you decrease the overall number of police.
My other gripe was some of the other local party’s manifesto claims. I was a bit disappointed with their document really. A mixture of the have to do by law; the doing already or the seriously, that was your big idea... Two of my favourites: we will publish details of spending over £500 - you have to do this by law or how about: We will bring the Olympic Torch to Southampton – this was decided by the Olympic Organising Committee in London. Makes it sound as if they sorted it and that we wouldn’t want it. Not exactly the visionary document it is being sold as.
So on Tuesday night I was at a meeting with our local Tesco’s Millbrook store manager. There were a number of issues which I wanted to raise with him. These included the amount of litter in his car park and on the Wimpson Lane site and an update on the planned building works (not planned to start for at least 6 months). In addition I was pleased at being able to set up two important proposals: firstly, our local store would work with the Career Development Group to find jobs for our local long term unemployed in Millbrook. Secondly, on Monday 20th February I will be hosting an open surgery from 6.00pm until 8.00pm from Tesco’s Millbrook – look out for my banner in the cafe!
On Wednesday I had requested a meeting with one of our senior public health officials to discuss the future of Adelaide House. For those of you not local, it is a wonderful NHS building with all pof the mod cons. However, I get the feeling that the building isn’t really for us – the access is poor and no one really knows what goes on in it. This is from someone who reads the local media and talks to healthcare professionals a fair bit! I did place a challenge before the senior official; make Adelaide House as well thought of as our other major healthcare asset – Pickles Coppice SureStart.
Thursday evening was taken up with a meeting with our Labour Group Leader, Richard Williams. It was a really positive and informative meeting, with lots of super exciting things to discuss. However, as you’ll be sensing from my blog sometimes, I now know that the “walls have ears” and so I’m not in a position to tell you about them yet...but hang on to your hats when I do! It's MASSIVE!
Yesterday morning Team Millbrook was out in force – but I spent the day with my family. It was the first time that they were out and about without me for some time. But Councillor Dave and Candidate Georgie brought together a group of ten volunteers to pound the streets and knock doors. We even knocked the door of the Tory candidate, but he wasn't in. His neighbours were though and they were very interested in our message.
And so to this morning, once finishing this blog and making a cup of tea for the Wife, it’s off to the other side of the city for another mass campaign session. It’s really encouraging when Labour Party Members come together from across the city to campaign in once area for a day.
Next week’s highlights include: visit to a tower block; constituent visit on legal matters; discussions of the Police & Crime Commissioners and next weekend the South East Region Labour Conference.