My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Thursday 6 October 2011

But its not Sunday

Good morning. As you know I usually post early on Sunday morning, but given the upcoming activities I thought I would get ahead of the game.

For those of you who wonder why I don't talk about some of the casework which I get, it has nothing to do with data protection or the amount; I would say someone contacts me with an issue about every two days or I go out and find an issue! It is the case that I think that if I was down and needed help, the last thing I would want is someone putting my details up on his website.

However, an example of a piece of casework sorted out over two days this week revolved around a vulnerable adult being chased for money by bailiffs. It would be worrying for you or I to have to deal with that type of situation, but made worse by the fact that the consituent needed that little bit extra humanity due to their conditions. Suffice to say after conversations with baliffs, the housing office, portsmouth city council and support workers - common sense prevailed. Sometimes its not the big things that make the papers, that make it worthwhile in helping our community.

Today I have taken the day off from my normal job to work on a number of council jobs; visiting a local school, as they have school council elections; attend the demonstrations at the civic centre; have a party meeting; and round it off with a local policing meeting this evening.

Additionally you may have seen my latest letter in the Echo this week - I'll put the webaddress on later as it looks as though the daily echo website is down at the moment!

I hope that I'll be able to update you on Sunday; either politics or personal.

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