My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 2 October 2011

No Change!

Good morning. Lovely weather we're having for October, eh? Not long to go before Fireworks Night! I don't know what you got up to yesterday, but I took the wife and dog out to Calshot to have a wander on the beach, have a sandwich in the car and enjoy the free vitamin D. A nice time was had by all, and all for the price of a parking ticket. It really is amazing to be able to spend time on the shoreline, looking at the sea. Maybe one day for us in Southampton...

On Tuesday evening I attended the Southampton Test meeting of the party. We had a discussion on the new Localism Bill. It was a difficult discussion as some of the ideas within the new bill appear contradictory, some nonsensical and some pointless. But we have to work with what we're given and so the debate on how we can maximise the benefits to Southampton took place.

On Thursday afternoon I attended a consultation event at Chilton Green. It was great to see the local housing officers, tenant participation, neighbourhood wardens, police and fire service represented. Had some really useful chats with residents and was able to put right some of the myths being sold by other people in attendance. Knowledge is power and we need to give more of it to the people, so that they can make informed choices - not just those who change there message according to who they're speaking. But this is a Labour Blog not a Liberal democrat one! I will be chasing up the casework both myself and Dave picked up; we're hopefully of getting some changes made for our community.

Yesterday Team Millbrook were out and about in Millbrook. We met some colourful characters, some disenchanted people and quite a lot of p*ssed off members of the public. As I eluded to earlier, the lack of information seems to be the biggest issue. As I said yesterday; I try to get out onto the doorstep every week, we deliver by hand our leaflets, and have a number of ways for people to contact me. At least it means people can get information from me - assuming I've been told.

This morning its off to the MP3 Centre in Redbridge ward for our annual policy discussion with party members. Its a good session, with good discussions and good turnout. A real opportunity for the work of out policy forums to be discussed and debated with those members who are newly joined or couldnt contribute.

Additionally, I have attached a copy of a letter I sent into the Echo. Lets see if they print this one? So far five sent in, only one printed!

If “we’re all in this together”; the public service, the criminal justice service, the armed services, manufacturing and locally based businesses all suffer cuts and job losses – not the super rich though, who can expect to pay less tax according to Tory plans.

We’re told the council has sold off our assets to balance the books, but the books are in a worse state than ever! During this time of financial “prudence”, the Conservative administration decides to borrow even more money to prop up the sea city museum. All this against a backdrop of industrial action without a negotiated settlement in sight.

People up and down the country now know about Southampton. Big statements, grand plans and no change!

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