My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 25 September 2011

On the case

Good morning. Sorry that this weeks blog is a few minutes late - I've been have technical issues, which is the last thing you want at 6.30 on a Sunday morning! Anyway, all sorted now. This week I have mostly been on tenterhooks waiting for the arrival of my firstborn - every single ache and pain for my wife leaves us both saying "is it now?"

However, in amongst all of this I have also been attending meetings and campaigning on your behalf. After work on Tuesday I undertook a tour of the General to get a better understanding of the people who deliver the services. Some great work has been undertaken on alcoholism and the stroke unit really is very good. I think we are very lucky to have such a good institution on our doorstep, when many others in the country have to travel significant distances to get treatment. I did mention to them that they may wish to send more positive messages out - I did not realise that we had so many medical world leaders all working in Southampton; Nobel prize standard. Truly a challenge for their communications department.

Straight after a presentation attended by the hospitals chairman, it was off to the Waterloo Arms for a discussion with Alan Whitehead MP. He had been invited by the anti-biomass group to share in the benefit of his knowledge and expertise. I believe that the group found the meeting very useful, even if some people thought that Alan was in Government at the moment! He found it quite difficult to have to defend coalition Government policies! The changes on national planning guidance left many downbeat when they realised the impact of the changes - in so far as the default position would be to grant applications such as Helios. Thanks Eric Pickles! As your elected Councillors, both I and Dave Furnell will fight against all poor development plans, even if the Government wants to agree them.

On Thursday evening, I was out and about with Councillors Pope and McEwing in Redbridge ward. Although its called Redbridge ward, everything west of Wimpson Lane, I would describe it more as Millbrook - but what do I know! Anyway, Councillor Pope had recently put out a letter on Lidl's plans to build a distribution Centre on what I would describe as a field behind a school. Most residents were against the proposals and were pleased to see so many campaigners knocking doors and listening to people. One comment I have been hearing on the doorstep lately is "When’s the election then?". Always nice to say that it’s not for a while yet.

Yesterday morning Team Millbrook was out and about door knocking and listening to the concerns of residents in Millbrook. Quite a few maintenance issues have come up over the past few weeks and we have reported them. Indeed last week Councillor Furnell asked why the grass was so long and this week it had all been cut - making a difference!

Next week is bubbling along with Council and Labour party meetings. I guess its guaranteed that the little one will arrive when I have a meeting on. Therefore instead of organising less meetings in the run up, I have decided to arrange more - there’s logic for you somewhere.

Lastly, just found out about the thefts of manhole covers from Barters Close. I am getting a bit fed up at the moment that officers within the Council are not notifying your representatives of when issues are arising. Don't worry I am on the case!

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