My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Here's to Hard Work!

This week I was publicly accused of not working hard enough for my ward. I hope that by reading my updates over the past weeks and months, that I can go some way to proving to you just how busy I am on your behalf.
Wednesday was a very long day; catching up with correspondence in the morning, followed by quite a long meeting at Full Council. This week I was conversing with a constituent via twitter, and hope to have successfully solved that problem by using this new means. It was quite interesting given that a) I haven’t been using twitter for that long and b) it was about 22.30 at night! I do already get a steady flow of casework to deal with, but I do try to contact people as soon as I can.
At the council meeting, the Liberal Democrat Fluoride motion had changed - there had been a petition signed by 1500 people, which meant that Full Council would have to debate the issue in September, so it meant that a debate was put off until then. In the evening, I went to meet with the No Biomass group (Wednesdays, Waterloo Arms) as I hadn’t met up with them for some time. Unfortunately I turned up early and the members weren’t so early...Maybe next time!
On Thursday evening I went along to a street briefing held by the local Safer Neighbourhood Team. It is important that all public services try to reach out to their communities, and even more so that both I and Dave Furnell attended. Also of note that local party activist Mary Lloyd came along to meet residents and get to know the local officers.
I had Friday night off.
So to this morning. I’ve gotten up, fed the dog and made my wife a cup of tea. Whilst she watches Sex in the City, I am writing to you. At 11.00, I’ll be out with Mary, Dave and other local members to door knock in the rain. Here’s to hard work!


  1. Asa
    Steve Plumridge has nothing to say so resorts to making unfounded allegations. I echo your comments as my conscience is clear on the amount of work and dedication we both put into Millbrook.

  2. I dont really support you Asa as you know, I still maintain you are all mouth and no intellectual trousers.

    The shots taken at you this week are not right though, you work hard for your constituents and care about your area. I just wish you had more positive ideas to improve the lives of the hard working people of southampton.
