My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 12 May 2013

We move forward, together.

The past two weeks have been a difficult time for me as a politician. And by politician I mean someone active in politics. When Richard Williams stepped down as both Leader and Councillor, this city lost a visionary. He was our political compass. He was my friend.

I only came into politics a little under three years ago. With two years to go until the next election, I am also two years into my term as a Councillor of Millbrook. Richard sought to develop me, and to give me an opportunity to deliver for our city. He was a fair man who had a collaborative way of leading.

I will miss him.

Now our Labour Group of Councillors will move forward, together. Our new Leader, Councillor Simon Letts has confirmed that he plans for me to continue as Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport. And Councillor Stephen Barnes-Andrews will serve as his Deputy Leader. A new leadership team to deliver for our city.

Over the past two weeks, work has still continued and key meetings have included:

Attending a meeting hosted by Oxbow over the development of a Sulphur Plant in the Docks. I then hosted a public meeting on the same subject on the following Wednesday. The position is a difficult one, but as usual I won't shy away from those difficult decisions. The problem arises because of three key issues:

a. Officers looked at the criteria for taking the decision without wide consultation. It met that criteria. Even with the public outcry over the Biomass proposals, they only thought to consult the three Freemantle Councillors at the time.

b. Those Freemantle Councillors did not respond to the original consultation.

c. No officer or opposition member though to tell the new administration about these plans.

So now we find ourselves with a Sulphur Plant with planning permission in our docks. The permission was already granted. Oxbow have now essentially come back with a more environmentally friendly proposal - but as I said in the public meeting, having a Sulphur Plant in an area which suffers from poor air quality is not exactly a great idea. The choice which the planning panel has is whether to block improvements to a plan which already has approval.

My hope is that our plans for a new Consultative Forum for any future developments within the docks can take shape. We have moved on considerably as a city from the times where everyone living in Millbrook and Freemantle would excuse any impacts from the docks because they worked or had family which worked in the docks. I accept that our city's fortunes are linked to that of the Docks, but we cannot have progress at any cost. We must, move forward together (sensing a theme yet?).

Other items of interest:

  • Trying to get access to our walls for our local Tourist Guide Association;

  • Received an exciting update on a new App for smartphones, ipads and alike. My aim to get an exceptionally low cost, high quality, beautifully looking bit of software that we can role out. The previous attempts weren't up to the challenge and so this new App, designed by officers from IT, waste and communications (rather than in silos) is much more exciting.  

With Dave, at the Recent Maybush Tenants and Residents AGM 

  • Set the strategic direction for performance management of our waste services for the next 7 years. Good to see that my professional background can have some relevance in my role as a Councillor!

  • Another briefing on the Eastern Cycle Corridor. My view is simple in that if we are serious about getting more people onto bikes, then we must push the boundaries more than we have in the past.

  • Caught up with Officers on our 20mph pilot scheme; with thanks to Redbridge Councillor Pope for his inputs. looking forward to Full Council on Wednesday to formally announce details.

  • Met with the Head of PR for National Express, the Chief Operating Officer of Southampton Football Club and selected a new Leader!

Before I sign off, I just want to reiterate that if anyone has any questions for me, that I'm always happy to have a chat by phone or meet with you at the Civic Centre or at a convenient place of your choice. Alternatively, if you're brave enough, you can always post questions on my blog! Then the whole world can see your questions and my answers.

Must dash, off to door knock in the best ward in the city!


  1. Lots of comments in the social media and in the Daily Echo comments website, but alas still no questions submitted to me...

  2. something I've reported on the fix my street website is various roads where the road markings have worn away however I seem to get the standard reply saying the markings are not in a bad enough condition to repaint! For example Millbrook Roundabout, Redbridge road inbound (after the flyover), Commercial Road (Hill Lane junction), Winchester Road, Thomas Lewis Way (at Junctions), Mountbatten way inbound...
