My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Whats been happening this week?

This week, I have mostly been working on:

**Officers have been tasked with producing two separate bids for Pinch Point Funding; the first scheme being a huge maintenance overhaul of all our major structures (Redbridge & Millbrook Flyovers, Western Approaches Rail Bridge, Central Bridge, Itchen Bridge, Vicarage Bridge and Northam Bridge). The second bid is to fund some improvements in the North of Station.

**I have received a considerable number of emails over the months on proposals for 20mph zones; I even answered a question in the last Full Council on the subject. Happy to say that the first multi-agency officer meetings have begun and the first pilot site is being selected. It must be remembered that this is a pilot, and that the point of it is to see whether the scheme works.

Last time I checked,
Vodka was not supposed to have bits floating in it...

**Met with Trading Standards & Environmental health Officers to discuss Food and Port Safety. Not only does the Council have a commitment to keep the residents and visitors of our City safe; but also as the second biggest port in the country, we have a duty to keep the UK safe!

Harmful chemicals and no UK tax paid.

**Trying to sort out the mess which is the Association of Port Health Authorities. An invaluable association for our technical officers, even if the national board was run by people who shouldn’t be left in charge of a teapot, let alone the security of our nations food chain and welfare. I sit on the national Board and am trying to influence a change in governance and leadership to drive the group forward. We shall see what the near future brings, especially given the current horsemeat situation. 

**Spent a very cold Wednesday night looking at street lighting and getting technicians to turn them up and down remotely and conversing with our local Chief Inspector on his needs and wishes.

**Called the Head of Waste Services to account over Testwood Road. For too long its been an eyesore which has not been properly dealt with by the Council. No more excuses; Georgie, Dave and I want solutions.

Let's get this sorted.

**The last activity you may be interested in this week was as the opening speaker at the My Journey (you may have seen the posters) Sustainable Travel Conference, held at St Marys. My thanks to Councillors Whitbread and Williams for dropping in. We have a number of projects in the area of sustainable transport currently and I’m happy to chat to anyone with a passing interest.

ALSO, Regents Park Road Roadworks Update, keeping you informed: The good news is that despite problems with the gas main, the surfacing of the right turn lane was completed and as a result the lane closure and right turn ban lifted. The less good news is that due to the delays encountered on that side of the road, work to complete the installation of new drainage gully’s need to take place. These will require a lane closure from after the morning peak on Monday morning until Wednesday night.

You micht also be aware that overnight lane closures at Redbridge Roundabout will commence on Monday night. I am told that officers anticipate that traffic flows should be manageable at that time of night for the two sets of lane closures; hopefully no significant delays.   

And just one last word on roadworks. I understand locally that one or two "characters" are trying to suggest that I don't care about the roads in our community. It is a strange comment to make, as I know that people have wanted change to their streets for some time. Surely these mischief makers can't moan that nothing ever gets improved and then moan because of roadworks? I guess you can't win them all!

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