My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 12 August 2012


Unless people know you, talk to you or even read this blog on a regular basis, I don't think that people can understand you. You get lumped in with every other politician in the world; instead of association with the good ones, we all get put in with all of the greedy and insane examples. Politicians are ranked below journalists and estate agents in terms of trust.

I stopped shouting at my TV in the summer of 2010. By May 2011 I was one of those politicians I used to shout at. A few short months ago I took charge of a major portfolio on behalf of the city I love. The reason I am doing what I do six days a week, it is to make the city a better place for my daughter to grow up in. I don't have a predetermined need to lie or cut everything in sight - but those are accusations which members of the public feel OK to throw about.

Family's are very important. As well as me trying to "be the man of the house", my family also get very protective. This week has been very testing for me personally. Wrestling with a very difficult decision that has massive impact on an individual and unknown impact on any number of possible other individuals. Suffice to say that I haven't been sleeping very well. The comments my wife and family see in the social media doesn't help either. But this is what politics is about. You make the best decisions you can with the information you have at your fingertips and have to accept that everyone else can't have access to that information.

Fairness is vital to how I want our council to be perceived, but there are some real traps which we have fallen into becuase they've been put into the too difficult pile before. Doing whats right politically can be very different from doing what you believe to be the right thing. There is your choice. I will make those difficult choices instead of just sitting on the sidelines shouting the odds. The important part is pulling together and being a part of the solution.

Choices have already been taken. And choices have to be made. Perhaps I'll sleep better soon.


  1. You are doing what you can to help and guide your portfolio and ward, don't be put off by a few sad trolls who have nothing better to do than pollute with negativity. Keep strong and true Cllr!!!!

  2. No one said being in control was easy, if you think your partner or parents or kids would say we know you did what you believed was right taking the FACTS in to consideration, then sleep well with a clear concience

    1. Doing what you believe is right doesn't necesarily make it any easier. But I appreciate the sentiment. You do have to look people in the eye and tell them the truth - even if its not what they want to hear.

  3. Managing people's rather unrealistic expectations is always the hardest aspect of representation, I reckon. Whether you're a trade union rep, a councillor or an MP, it's probably always the same problem. Don't let it keep you awake at night!
