My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 11 March 2012

It's not just me!

Morning all!

This weekend we have ramped up our campaigning again. As you'll be aware we started going out on both Saturday and Sundays. This weekend, we've gone a little bit overboard and by the end of the weekend we will have gone out in the mornings and afternoons on both days. A big thank you to all of our volunteers who came out. Without your help, we wouldn't get half of the ward covered.

On to today, with more campaigning, and further work on our manifesto. Yes, it has been a considered and inclusive process, but I would rather that than "getting the grammar correct took longer than writing it!".

But in amongst all the hecticness this weekend, I thought I would share with you an example of the communication put out by our candidate Georgie Laming:

Hi all,

Hope you are all well!

Thought I would give you all an update on some things I have been up to in Millbrook this week and give you the opportunity to come out with the Labour Action Team soon!

This week I attended a Street Briefing with the police and other agencies on Irving Road to invite residents to voice concerns. The same day a drug warrant was made in the area and an arrest was made. Unfortunately, residents did not turn up to the street briefing though this may have been due to the large police presence. If you have any concerns you would like to raise, you can always email me!

I also attended the No to Southampton Biomass meeting last night. Helius have released their latest plans, which have largely missed all of our concerns about the site. I have offered the group my skills in PR and communication strategy but wait to see if they take up my offer.

Lastly, this Saturday Labour members are meeting on the corner of Waterhouse lane and St Edmunds at 10am for a door knocking and leafletting session. Come along! We are all very friendly and you don't need to door knock on your own.

You can contact me anytime on 07512319007



1 comment:

  1. You definitely could have chosen a more flattering picture of me! haha
