My promise to you

I will LISTEN to your concerns and thoughts; I will LEARN from you and what you have to say; I will ACT on your behalf.

Sunday 25 March 2012

And so it begins.

Morning. I don't know about you but I am very confused this morning over the hour we lost. Cue lots of running round the house changing all of the clocks. I'm hoping that the constituents are forgiving when we knock on their doors in a few hours!

Its been another busy week of politicking, even though the volume of meetings is reducing. Everyone connected with the council is becoming very aware that there are elections looming in little over a month.

On Monday evening I was out at one of our shadow cabinet members homes to discuss some of the work and changes which I had authored on our manifesto. I know that a few constituents and a large number of Conservatives are working themselves into a frenzy at what our offering is. It feels like we have been working on it forever, and I suppose that 18 months is a long time to work on a document, but this is a fully costed roadmap for how we run any future Southampton Labour Council. If we are lucky enough to be chosen to run our council, we know that on day one we can enact our comprehensive programme of work.

Later in the week, we were at Adelaide House at the Great Western for a police priority setting meeting. It was good to see Councillors Furnell and Pope in attendance along with Georgie Laming, our candidate. A significant prescense from your Labour elected representatives. PC Pell gave a very good oversight and shared some very reassuring message on crime levels and operations that were taking place in Southampton and across the county.

The real fun now begins in terms of campaigning. As you will be aware from my posts, Team Millbrook doesnt do time off. We have been campaigning pretty solidly hand delivering leaflets and door knocking since June of last year. Yes, we do take a few weeks off after the election! Each and every weekend, come rain or shine, we have been pounding the pavements on your behalf.

Myself, Georgie and Dave door knocking.

So I would urge you to ask yourselves and neighbours, when was the last time you received a letter or talked to a political party on your doorstep - not just in the run up to the election but what about when it was monsooning a few weekends back or in the horrible christmas we had or evening during the little we had of last summer. The difference is clear; we have ideas and we work hard for you ALL YEAR ROUND!

I know that Millbrook is the frontline of politics. All of the partys know that to control our city council, wards like Millbrook must be won. For too long our community was neglected and taken for granted. They will tell you of scare stories, of things we will do. Listen long enough and I'm sure they will say we steal dogs or want to tax oxygen. Don't listen to the politics of fear. We want to return pride to our city; the let people know that good enough isn't enough; that there is a clear alternative.

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